February 26, 2021

Anxiety and her tools.

The spiritual world, or the collective conscience, is guiding me, This human suffer from anxiety attacks.

All the time, compared to people who don’t really know how it feels to have an anxiety attack. She’s been given my spiritual guidance .
I have pinpointed a very specific behavior in my human.
She will get so pissed so fast, that nothing would stop her. Anger energy.
Fighting would not stop her. It’s crazy.
If any man inappropriately touched her, she would smack him. Let us just agree on it has been quite the journey to guide this sexy woman mother. I find her adorable.

Me: Can we agree or not calling me adorable?

Guides: Well dear, you are.
Me: Yeah, I’m me. Mostly. When you guys are not hanging around.
Guides : Oh we know dear.

Me: I need to learn how do use it.
I get scared
Guides: yes I feel that, why do you do that ?
Me: because it is very big !
Guides: we have been over this, you have time, you’re ready.
And you are also very sexy. Even when you get angry about being sexy. And as a scientist I want to inform you that you should not take this as a bad thing. Being a 300 year old thinker with the patience of the Mayans, stuck in a human being with a rage disorder I have never seen before. She tore an entire hallway of cabinets out of the wall in rage. We are here to help you learn to be the best human you can, to get things done that you did not do in past life. This time you will.
We will send the people you need , we will help you clean the past, we will help you step it up.
You can leave it safe to us, you just pick all the opportunity’s when we hand them over.

Me: And panic attacks. ?

You will always have them. We will give you tools to manipulate them.


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